Leave a legacy

A legacy gift is the ultimate expression of the values and beliefs you hold in life. As you consider the distribution of assets to your loved ones as part of your estate planning, why not also consider leaving a legacy for a charitable cause that is important to you.

Create a positive impact on the lives of young people and their communities by making a lasting donation to Pathways in one of the following ways:

  • Charitable Bequests in a Will
  • Gift of life insurance
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Gifts of real estate

We encourage you to get in touch with us to learn more about these opportunities. By discussing a legacy gift directly with you, we can ensure your gift is directed to the area that is most meaningful to you. We promise that every conversation we have with you about your legacy gift will be confidential. You can contact us in the following ways:

Phone: 416 646 0123 ex. 230 
Email: donations@pathwayscanada.ca  

Dropping out affects us all and, together, we are making Canada a country where all youth have an equal opportunity to graduate from high school and build the foundation for their future success. With a legacy gift, you honour us with the trust and confidence you place in our work.