Messages of support and hope
The COVID-19 crisis has been a challenging and disruptive time for all students, especially those from low-income communities. So we’re asking Canadians to send in messages of support to keep students hopeful and inspired.
Read all the messages we’ve received below and add your own here.
It’s hard to put into words how proud we are of each and every one of you. To graduate during these uncertain times shows your determination and tenacity; qualities which will serve you well in the bright future ahead of you. In 2030, we hope you look back on your days at Pathways and remember the good times; the friends you made, the skills you learned and the impact you left on your community. We wish you the very best in everything you do and look forward to hearing about your many successes to come. ConGRADulations!
Jun 11, 2020
From: Empire Life 🤍.
Chers élèves, Parfois, des obstacles se dressent devant nous et nous avons l’impression qu’ils seront insurmontables. Rappelez-vous ceci : les difficultés sont comme le vent, la pluie ou les tempêtes; le mauvais temps finit toujours par passer pour laisser la place au soleil. Alors, n’abandonnez surtout pas! Accrochez-vous à vos rêves comme l’arbre s’accroche à ses racines. Ginette Labarre Enseignante en adaptation scolaire et sociale
Jun 2, 2020
From: Ginette L.
Dear Pathways Students, On behalf of all of us at the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, I’d like to tell you how incredibly proud we are of you. You have overcome countless barriers to get to where you are today, and the we are confident you will continue to succeed and excel in life. You are an inspiration to all of us who have believed in your potential and remarkable perseverance. The world will be a better place for your work and accomplishments. The growth and fulfillment of your dreams will not only elevate your life, but will have resounding generational impact on many, many others. All the best, Robert A. Krause Johnson Scholarship Foundation, CEO
Jun 1, 2020
From: Robert K.
Hello dear students, Pandemic season is super challenging. But guess what! Tomorrow will be better than yesterday! And you, 2020 graduates, possess the strongest foundation of tolerance that serves as your precious tool to face career competition, financial challenges , and real life struggles in this world! Be happy! Be proud! You guys did it! Congratulations to all graduates !!
May 29, 2020
From: Jennifer S.
Sending nothing but good health and good spirits to you and your families during these trying times. We will all get through this, stronger than ever 🙂
May 19, 2020
From: Justin Z.
Dear Pathways students, How are you? It’s okay if you’re feeling anxious, tired, angry or even relieved. There’s no way we “should” feel now (or ever). The uncertainty we live in can be so hard, though if there is one thing we know for sure, it’s that nothing lasts forever. You will get through this!!! And you’re not alone- reach out to a friend or trusted adult when you need; we all need reminders sometimes that there is always hope and that we’re in this together. We’re thinking of you and always rooting for you!
May 14, 2020
From: Stefanie R.
Believe in yourself!!! You can do it!!! Pay it forward when you can!
May 11, 2020
From: Lesley C.
Even at the best of times, education is likely to be a stressful enterprise. This is partly by design, in so far as learning can only occur just outside your ‘comfort zone’, within what has been referred to as the ‘growth zone’ – where familiar knowledge can be used to generate new ideas and understanding. However, the additional stresses from changing societal practices are of little help. Journalists can comment about statistics on paper, but the fact is that everyone is facing a new and unique set of circumstances, complete with new challenges, and perhaps new opportunities. Many of these circumstances are outside of your control. It can be helpful, then, to focus on doing your best with what you can control. What might those things be? How can you keep preparing yourself for a future that is becoming increasingly uncertain? There are some good ideas out there: a regular sleep schedule is the #1 way to maintain your mental and physical health, and also to solidify your learning, whatever form that may take. A varied diet of meals taken at regular intervals is another good way to maintain your body’s clock. Daily exercise of any form is also a great way to maintain your physical and mental health. These areas are often very simple to influence, and have a huge impact on personal well-being. Beyond these, there are a number of activities that can benefit you and your community in these troubled times. Take the necessary time to focus on academics. Reach out to an instructor if you need extra resources. Help take care of family and community members. Stay in touch with your friends. Make some art – literally anything that you think might be cool, or fun, or interesting. Any ideas you’ve had but never acted on now have an opportunity to be brought to light that may never come again. Read a book you’ve been meaning to read. Clean something you’ve been meaning to clean. There are all kinds of small steps that can be taken to make your corner of the world just a little bit more bearable under difficult circumstances. I give credit to a lot of these ideas to the Youtube creator CGP Grey, a high school instructor from the USA – check out his video titled ‘Spaceship You’ for a discussion of good habits during lockdown. I also recommend the Youtube channel 3Blue1Brown for weekly introductions to some cool topics in math through the ‘lockdown math’ video series.
May 7, 2020
From: Robert B.
Only you can stop the brilliance that lurks within you. Keep your focus on what you want to achieve and never give up. You can make it happen if you keep trying
May 6, 2020
From: Paul B.
“Help will always be given at Pathways , [insert name] , to those who ask for it” – Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
May 6, 2020
From: Mahra A.
As a Pathways student, you have a lot to teach your instructors. You know things about day=to=day life that they do not know. You hear things they do not hear. You see things they do not see. You can help them learn from you, and, as you teach them new things, you will find new things yourself. Ask them questions to see if they understand you.You will be surprised what you find out!
May 6, 2020
From: Patricia A.
During these challenging times you may feel down. This feeling is valid and it’s OK. Know that during the most difficult times, you will find your strength. It is within you to persevere. You will get through this!
May 5, 2020
From: Marsha J.
It’s hard enough to get through high school, and now that in-person support is scarce, it can be even harder. It’s such an accomplishment to keep your head down and keep working. Hang in there. You can do it. We believe in you.
May 5, 2020
From: Kimberly B.
Sending you strength and hope for a better future for you and for everyone in the world. Keep up the work in investing in yourselves and in that bright future you dream about while taking care of yourselves and your loved ones as best as you can right now as well. Wishing you love and light in these times.
May 5, 2020
From: Maren X.
Breathe. You have what it takes to get through this.
May 4, 2020
From: Aiman K.
With the current situation going on, a mix of feelings and emotions may arise. It is okay to feel your emotions and validate it so you can move forward. These past few weeks have been interesting as it has changed daily routines and lifestyles for many individuals. Use this time as an opportunity to reflect on your growth, pause to be present and simply breathe. How will you utilize your time? Perhaps you will learn to cook a favourite meal, virtually check in with a friend, organize your living space, dance to an uplifting song, get a great at home workout in, plan out your future goals… you have time in your hands. Use that time to rejuvenate and come back stronger. Just know that you have an amazing support of members in the program cheering you on through this time and as you plan your next steps.
May 4, 2020
From: Hamshaa S.
Hello Pathways students! Yup. It is a crazy time. But this challenging time will pass. You will be more resilient for living through this and will learn a lot about yourself and what is important to you. These learnings will stay with you and help you adapt and cope with future challenges. So stay strong, be kind and know that there are people out there who care a lot about you. Reach out if you need to talk to someone. And be available to your friends and family if they need a hand too!
May 4, 2020
From: Debbie A.
By making the commitment to be a part of the Pathways program you have already demonstrated you are strong, focused and able to overcome challenges. While the challenges we are now facing could not have been predicted know that we are in this together. You have people cheering you on from a distance who know you deserve, are capable of achieving and will succeed in reaching your goals. Our communities are stronger because of youth like you. Stay strong!
May 4, 2020
From: Barbara M.
Social isolation is tough for all of us, but I urge you to hang in there: education is your ticket to a good future
May 4, 2020
From: Pat M.
Have trust & hope in the future, let’s keep on looking for the light. Come what may, we shall overcome the challenges, and together build a world happy & bright! To: All the Pathways students Stay safe, positive, healthy & be well!
May 3, 2020
From: Maryanne F.
I love everything you do for all your students. I can see how much you are supporting then in extra ways through these tough days. They are so very lucky to have each of you to be on their team and having their backs. You couldn’t do a better job. I am cheering you on from afar! Sue Clost
May 3, 2020
From: Sue C.
Students across Canada are facing great uncertainty and challenges as a result of Covid-19. But some students face even more barriers, many of them invisible to their schools or teachers. Some of you might not have full access to reliable wifi, or a device that makes it easier to learn from home. Some of you might have to take on additional responsibilities, such as picking up more shifts at work to support your family, or providing childcare so others in your home can continue to work. Some of you might have lost access to the people and supports that help you learn. I am a Principal in an Ontario secondary school. Although Pathways didn’t exist when I was your age, it now supports students in the neighbourhood where I grew up–and the students who attend the school I now oversee. I applaud all of you for your efforts to prioritize school when there might be so many other things taking your attention and time. And for those of you losing focus or losing faith, remember that there are Pathways staff at the other end of a phone or email who are willing to support you through these challenging times. You all deserve a promising future. Stay home, stay healthy, and stay committed to your future goals!
May 2, 2020
From: Anne Marie M.
In life you will have ups and downs. The important thing to remember is that you will grow the most when things are rough. Really nothing is either good or bad it’s all about the growth. Just remember this too shall pass Bless you
May 1, 2020
From: Jacqui C.
Every day take a moment to be thankful for one thing and take a second moment to share what you are thankful for with someone else! On the most difficult days this might be really hard to do but these two moments will make your day a little bit better. On good days this will be really easy to do and these moments will make your day great!
May 1, 2020
From: Sue G.
It can be hard to stay positive when we are not able to go out and be with our friends doing our normal things. It is helpful to be creative about finding new sources of inspiration. When everything is disrupted it’s a good time to try something new. Try cooking or read a book that you’ve always thought about reading. Get outside for some fresh air. Try jogging or maybe taking photos of nature. Some global celebrities including Karlie Kloss, Chris Paul, Addison Rae, Now United and others shared some of their experiences and inspirations in the SAP Take Your Child to Work virtual event. You can watch them here: I decided that I would try to come out of this situation a better person than I went in. I have started to go on walks and listen to science podcasts. This was something I never did before, and it gives me something positive to focus on. Stay strong!
May 1, 2020
From: Laura J.
You are not in this alone and together we are stronger! If you are feeling overwhelmed and you are looking for motivation, remember that sometimes motivation comes from doing. Small accomplishments go a long way! You got this!!
May 1, 2020
From: Kayla N.
There is light at the end of the tunnel! Remain positive and reach out for help whenever needed. Community is a powerful thing.
May 1, 2020
From: Nadim N.
Thank you to Sidra, one of your fellow students, who sent us a lovely message about how Pathways is helping her. I am so glad that the program helps to keep young people engaged in their studies. This is a very difficult time for everyone, and for young people in particular. I have a teenage grandson and I know how much he misses beign with his friends and sharing the events of the day. You may feel like that too, and may miss sharing yourinterests and your studies with friends. Please feel that you have support, and that we are proud of the effort you are making to progress towards graduation. Hang in there! This too will pass, Best wishes and support, Joan ( a Toronto grandmother)
May 1, 2020
From: Joan M.
Remember that this time will not last forever. You and all young people are the future for all of us. You are important. When you feel alone or overwhelmed sometimes, remember that there are many people who support you and want things to get better for you.
May 1, 2020
From: Julia K.
Your feelings are valid. You get through this.
May 1, 2020
From: Jonea A.
I just wanted to commend you on all your hard work and remind you that, although we are in a difficult time, we have overcome these periods before. Stay strong and look after yourself – and those around you. It will be the bright minds and fresh ideas of your generation that will help to lead us to a healthier planet and a more just and compassionate world.
May 1, 2020
From: Bill H.
School can be challenging at the best of times. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to focus on schoolwork with everything else that is going on right now. Remember it’s OK to take it one day at a time and figure things out along the way – there is no playbook. You’re not alone – make time to stay connected to your mentors, teachers, friends, and family. Try to find the positives no matter how small and celebrate each one. You’ve got this!
May 1, 2020
From: Colleen R.
COVID-19 will pass and in 20 years it will not matter very much. But what you do now will matter a great deal. Your education will be a vehicle for empowerment and success. Keep going!
May 1, 2020
From: Malcolm M.
Pathways to Education is in the business of demolishing obstacles. I’ve tutored maths and sciences for several years, and know that P2E has helped many students come to understand a concept that was getting in the way of their future success. Report card marks act as gate-keepers that open or shut career/life paths to students. Often the difference between an open gate and one that shuts out a student is very small. P2E doesn’t open all gates for all students they serve, but they open gates for almost all their students, and many times the path that opens because of P2E completely changes the life of the person we help.
May 1, 2020
From: Howard G.
I know that it is challenging to keep up with school work during this unusual time, but I want you to know that we are always here for you 🌹
May 1, 2020
From: Foad E.
Today, I am sending a donation of $500, to help you and others reach their goal of a higher education. I am retired now, having worked for many years in a technology role. After I retired, I volunteered teaching math to kids, so I recognize how important both education and technology are in reaching your goals. That being said, for many years technology was not as advanced as it is today, so with the right motivation, You CAN reach your goals through hard work. Good Luck!
May 1, 2020
From: Brian D.
Hey Pathways! Over the years, I have watched so many of you wonderful students overcome challenge after challenge, and put in so much hard work to reach your goals. I have every confidence that you will overcome this as well. For the senior students, I know this is not the way you wanted to graduate, and celebrate your final year of high school. I hope you aren’t dwelling on it; you have new adventures right on the horizon as you start your post-secondary journey! Look ahead; you are moving forward to becoming the person you aspire to be! Dawn D. Volunteer Tutor, Pathways Kitchener (Laurentian)
May 1, 2020
From: Dawn D.
I can imagine how unsettling these times are for you as we all try to navigate uncharted waters. Though you have worked hard to overcome obstacles you now have new ones which you might find overwhelming. Know that you have incredible resilience which you have already shown in so many ways and you and your families will get through this. And if there was ever a time when community is drawing close together, it is now. Every day will not be easy and it’s ok to feel anxious and concerned but remember you are not alone. If you need support, ask and look for those around you who you can support. Be well!
May 1, 2020
From: Claire D.
It’s not Done ! You’re future is still very bright. In Life sometimes things don’t go the way we planned. Now the you have time research career and educational opportunities. Be prepared to seize the moment when given the chance.
May 1, 2020
From: Bob W.
Hang in there! You guys are doing amazing work! Everyone in the education world – teachers, college and university admissions people, scholarship providers – knows that you are all doing your best in these crazy times. Those people are all working to ensure your future success. Sending very warm wishes.
May 1, 2020
From: Jane T.
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Keep going. Stay strong. You got this and I believe in you!
Apr 30, 2020
From: Stephanie S.
Je sais que vous êtes nombreux à être anxieux et inquiets. Moi aussi je me sens parfois impuissant. C’est bien normal. Mais si la situation vous cause de la détresse ou si vous ressentez de la solitude, des services comme Jeunesse, j’écoute et Tel-jeunes constituent de précieux outils. Ça va aller!
Apr 30, 2020
From: Federico V.
Diamond are created under pressure. So are successful and strong people. Don’t let the rough times keep you down, take each day one at a time and find your way through coming out on top. Trust in the process of growth. Stay strong and let’s level up together! :muscle:
Apr 30, 2020
From: Peter D.
Remember that this is just a temporary detour on the long road that is your life. This time will pass, and you will have learnt many lessons from it that will serve you well on your life’s journey.
Apr 30, 2020
From: Naresh d.
Pas facile de garder le cap. Pas facile de continuer à étudier quand tout va mal. Pas facile de ne plus voir ses amis, ses profs, ses tuteurs, son mentor. Pas facile de ne pas se décourager quand le racisme gronde. BRAVO, tu ne lâches pas! Félicitations pour une graduation bien méritée, (même si ce n’est pas une célébration comme tu l’avais imaginée avant la pandémie). Il y aura des jours meilleurs:)
Jun 9, 2020
From: Myriam L.
Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2020! I know this is not how you wanted to celebrate your high school graduation. This, however, does not diminish the significance of this moment in your young lives. You studied incredibly hard, made sacrifices, overcame challenges and achieved this milestone with the support of your families, friends, teachers, coaches and mentors. We could not be prouder of you, Present circumstances may make it difficult for you to follow through with your plans. You may have to adjust your plans to the new realities of post Covid-19 world. As you do so, be inspired and live your lives with sense of purpose, pursuit of personal excellence and commitment to create fairer, gentler and more inclusive world. Best of luck to you all. Watch out, here come Pathways to Education Class of 2020!
Jun 1, 2020
From: Safia A.
Out of crisis there is always opportunity. COVID has laid bare the change we need in our society and there is good learning to be implemented. You have worked hard to get to to where you are today. I support Pathways because I believe that the future of our country will be better because of YOU! Do not be deterred by this “pause” – take your education to the next level and use all you have learned and lived to make a difference. Be proud of your progress and be steadfastly determined to ready yourself for the next stage of what can be a life of opportunity. Seize it and all the best.
May 30, 2020
From: Marilynne D.
It has been what feels like a million years ago that I was in school. Having admitted that fact and the fact that I can relate to those of you who are living in low-income communities which was part of my youth, I would like to wish you all the best in this “new world” we have acquired and that none of us have ever experienced. With luck we will never again. I know from my experience with the youth of today from the aspect of my long term involvement in Apprenticeship Training in Ontario and currently as a School Crossing Guard that you all have in my opinion the educational skills, attitude, abilities and life skills to succeed in all future aspects of your lives. The hundreds of the young adults I have met as a Crossing Guard are a part of my reasons for my best wishes as you are the older sisters and brothers who have helped in the development of these amazing younger adults. Once again, all the best in your future lives.
May 29, 2020
From: George M.
Bonjour à tous et à toutes. C’est une situation extraordinaire que tout le monde passe, mais c’est une situation temporaire. Dès nos jours, le monde a besoin de professionnels pour aider les autres et pour construire un monde meilleur. Et, ces futurs professionnels dont le monde a besoin, c’est vous toutes et vous tous! Le monde ne pourra pas se passer de vous. Je vous exhorte de ne pas abandonner vos rêves, vos projets et vos objectifs et de grandir professionnellement. Vous avez tous un endroit privilégié dans mon cœur. J’ai hâte de vous revoir tous et de reprendre les activités et je vous souhaite le meilleur.
May 14, 2020
From: Carmen Pilar C.
I’ll try not to sound like another clueless adult. Many of you and your families have lived through things way WAY harder than the COVID19 pandemic. Some of you have already given up whole lives and started over here in Canada, adapting to totally new ‘normals’. You’ll be much better prepared than people of my generation (I’m in my 50s) to figure out what our post-pandemic normal should look like. I put my faith in you and your generation to bring fresh ideas, impatience, intelligence and hard work to making a better world. In the meantime, keep safe, keep laughing, keep helping each other, and keep kicking people like me in the butt to be better.
May 11, 2020
From: Wendy M.
Hey everyone! As we all know, these are some tough times right now, and with school and things thrown up in the air we’re all a likely a little frazzled. It is precisely in these times that we should take a step back and take some time to re-orient ourselves. Even though we cannot meet up in person with friends and family, there are plenty of ways to show people you care for them, now more than ever! We will emerge from this pandemic stronger in many ways, keep on keeping on!
May 7, 2020
From: Iris W.
Know that there are people out there who care and will continue to do their part to keep you and everyone of us safe. These are no doubt challenging times but this too will pass. Stay strong and never lose hope.
May 6, 2020
From: Yemi B.
Greetings to all Pathways students and friends I want you to know in your hearts and minds that we care about you now more than ever. You and all youth are Canada’s greatest hope for a better tomorrow. All of us or supporting Pathways are striving to find the best ways to help you stay strong and continue your educational journey towards a life with more choices. As students and young adults, you are outstanding. And it is a great moment in time for you to also stand up and stand out. It is the perfect moment to write to PM Justine Trudeau and tell him just how much PTE has helped you. Send truck loads of “handwritten cards and letters” to land on his desk. He will love the message and share it. I guarantee you; 1,000s of hand WRITTEN notes and letters from you will stand out in a way that the volumes of social media messages they receive, simply cannot. Mr. Trudeau and his ministers would know with crystal clarity that you are contributors to our country’s well being. And that you and the PTE need their continued and increased support to be even more so. You are the leaders of your own future. Your words count. It is up to you; to lead the adults. It is up to the rest of us to support and encourage your self determination. I know you will succeed. Respectfully, your ardent fan, friend and supporter in Kingston, Jim Brown
May 6, 2020
From: James B.
Know that you are not alone and that there are many people in the community who care about your well being (mentally and physically). Reach out to a friend to talk, there are always resources to help you deal with how you are feeling. And however you are feeling, whether that be happy, sad, mad, frustrated you are allowed to feel that way. This situation is confusing and unpredictable, but you are not alone.
May 6, 2020
From: Freda L.
I can only imagine some of what you may be feeling when all of us, no matter our age, have uncertainty around us. What makes you and other young people special is that despite the challenges of our world, you know how to find joy and happiness, you know how to create a vision of a better world. It may be hard right now, but we will get through this and you will be part of leading all of us to that better world. The whole world is already so proud of you!
May 5, 2020
From: Amy S.
Dear Pathways Students and Alumni, These are difficult times, and it’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s also not the time to give up, but instead use that vulnerability to reflect and find out who you are. You’ll find things that you are capable of doing that you didn’t know you were able to do. You’ll find the support that you never thought you had. You’ll discover new things about yourself, and during difficult times, like these, are the best times to truly find out just how strong you are. So continue to push and fight through this. As an alumni of the very first cohort of Pathways, we are here to help and support in any possible way we can. You are not alone, and you will persevere.
May 5, 2020
From: Richard F.
My message is from the present to you, the future of Canada. I know things are difficult now, life as we know it has changed to a version that is hard to recognize. I find great comfort in knowing we will get through this and you will be stronger for it. There is infinite abundance for you to have in your life. It’s yours if you imagine it, stay positive, dream big and work hard. This time will pass and you, our future will prevail.Peace, love and happiness!
May 5, 2020
From: Ahad A.
This time we are all living through together is sure different – and they will be moving forward for a while. With many experiencing challenges, including in how we are feeling – know that it’s OK to feel not OK some days. If you are feeling overwhelmed, worried or anxious – know that first of all, you’re not alone, and second, it’s normal to feel that way. When you’ve got all the feels – talk to someone. A family member, friend or an ally – like someone from Pathways. You don’t have to be alone in this experience – and talking helps. It really does, no matter your age. Be sure to you take time for you – lots of folks call it self-care. In addition to talking about those feels, find that thing that works for you: take a break in your day and exercise, watch TV, play video games, cook or bake, read…whatever you do to feel a bit better. You deserve it. Because, you matter. You are important in this world. And you belong – even if right now it means, belonging at home. Just know there are many folks still cheering you on as you continue with your studies, connecting with friends and family online and taking care of you. That’s the number one thing – be kind to you. You are worth it.
May 5, 2020
From: Pytor H.
I want to Thank all Pathways students for being so amazing and courageous in adapting to our new way of living on Mother Earth. I applaud all your hard work and motivation to continue to learn virtually and remember to always be kind to yourself and take good care of those that are near and dear to your heart. Show kindness and respect to those that need a little extra support during this time and help them along the way when you can, help a friend, a neighbor, a classmate, a family or community member. Remember to stay connected and always ask for help from Pathways staff! We care and we are here for you and we will help you through this! Take care and be safe:)Barb A.
May 4, 2020
From: Barb A.
These are challenging times, and the last thing you probably want to think or do, is homework. However, having some routine or habit, will keep you busy, and take your mind away from the daily news. When you are ready, we as tutors are still here, as before, to help you with your homework and assignments, to support you in the completion of this year, or preparation for the next . We look forward to seeing your virtually. Stay safe!
May 4, 2020
From: Leroy L.
Hi To all the Pathways Students.I have been worrying about you since this Covid 19 Pandemic has caused us all to stay home. It’s a very scary time. I know it’s going to be hard to stay engaged and committed to school since our schools are closed. When I was founding Pathways to Education I had so many doors slammed in my face but I kept going and I learned the importance of persistence and tenacity. How did I keep going when I was discouraged? I believed creating Pathways to Education was the right thing to do so it didn’t matter if I failed because I would have failed trying to do the right thing.As hard as it is and as discouraged as you might be some days please don’t give up on your education. In the end you will be so grateful you persevered.I wanted to share some quotes with you that have always helped me when I am discouraged.“Life is not a pass/ fail; it’s a process”. —Anon“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” —Nelson Mandela“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” — Michael Jordan“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”– Confucius“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.” – Theodore Roosevelt “Winners never quit. And quitters never win.” — Vince Lombardi“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”– Thomas EdisonThousands of us are behind you all the way. Please stand on our shoulders and stay engaged in your education and you will never be sorry you did.All my loveCarolynFounder Pathways to Education Canada.
May 4, 2020
From: Carolyn A.
To the remarkable young people and inspiring students of Pathways, COVID-19 has brought tremendous hardships along with illness. Your participation in Pathways is evidence that you all share a tremendous capacity for hope and determination. While distancing can make us feel separated, you are not alone. You have friends and fans all over North America. At the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, we are inspired by your stories and challenged by your commitment to a better tomorrow. We look forward to the passing of this difficult season, and the opportunities you will have for education and friendship at Pathways.
May 4, 2020
From: Bobby K.
Hello girls and boys, We’re going through some weird times and it could be hard to keep a positive attitude. Going for walks, bike rides, dancing, or moving in any way you like are great ways to take care of your mental health and your body. For some, school may seem far down the list of your priorities during this crisis, but remember that education is the number one tool in your toolbox! It will always be relevant to keep learning and when September comes around, you’ll be glad for the efforts you put in this spring to keep up to date and keep challenging yourself. The YMCA’s excellent staff and volunteers are still here to support you along the way 🙂 Wishing you all the best in this period of introspection. Take care!
May 4, 2020
From: Amanda H.
I want to send a message to all the Pathways students who are now forced to stay at home. Want to let you know that the volunteers miss you as well and know that we will all get over it and we can work together again.
May 3, 2020
From: Arind S.
Pathways students are the leaders of tomorrow as they have succeeded in the face of unusual adversity. With a team of university students, I am working to develop curriculum resources in mathematics that will help you to succeed. I’m proud to be able to play a small part in your educational accomplishments.
May 2, 2020
From: Peter T.
Hi, I am John and I am from Niagara Falls where I went to A.N. Myer Secondary School. I understand that you are going through hard times now with the COVID-19 crisis. Although we did not have such a crisis, I do remember that our parents or grandparents went to war in Europe which took them away from their loved ones, even worse than isolating with them. Use your inner strength to get through this crisis…take advantage of the extra time to read and do those things that you never have time for…and help others which will help you as well as them. Keep focused on your long-term education and well-being…this will soon slowly end and you will be stronger for it. Best wishes, John M
May 2, 2020
From: John M.
Keep it up! We’ll go through it eventually! Seize the day and improve yourself. Tomorrow will be better!
May 1, 2020
From: Tina W.
Learning how to be alone during self-isolation is really tough. We love and need our friends. They are our community, our support, our biggest cheerleaders. Now more than ever, we need to learn to build our community digitally and push our friends UP. Now more than ever, we need to be honest and ask for help when we’re struggling. Now more than ever we need to reach out and suffer together. No one should suffer alone. We are meant to lean on one another. We’re in this together. Every.Single.One.Of.Us. I send you hope, courage and strength!
May 1, 2020
From: Christine R.
Know that you don’t have to go through this time alone. There are so many people who believe in you and are here to support you. You are stronger than you know.
May 1, 2020
From: Andrea V.
I know that this time can be challenging for many students: there’s a lot uncertainty and barriers that don’t always make it easy to learn. I wanted to say that you are supported and I am rooting for you! This uncertain time will pass and you will learn, grow and succeed. You have a lot of people who care and offer their encouragement and who will be excited to see you achieve your ambitions! Keep learning, stay safe and look forward.
May 1, 2020
From: Di B.
Pathways youth, it is a tough time. Not only are you feeling challenges with finishing school for the year, but you are also missing valuable time to get out, play and see your friends. We know this. We are with you and we will get through this together. Don’t be afraid to ask around for support. There are still ears wanting to listen and connect with you.
May 1, 2020
From: Melissa L.
Juste un petit message pour vous dire que vous avez en vous toutes les qualités requises pour avancer et faire ce qui est important pour réussir. Vous êtes votre meilleur soutien pour vous-même. Continuez !
May 1, 2020
From: Christiane Nathalie G.
Dear students, these are no doubt rough and uncertain times. Keep focused on your goals and carry on. Don’t give up and this too shall pass!
May 1, 2020
From: Abdul A.
This will end, we will thrive again and we will get through this together. Sending love and support you and your family during this unprecedented time!
May 1, 2020
From: Sadie S.
Hey Pathways students! Let’s not pretend this isn’t a terrible situation; it is. But yours is a generation of survivors — you’ll find creative, thoughtful, and forward-thinking ways to COPE with this pandemic, to keep you and your loved ones SAFE, to stay FOCUSED on your school work, and PLAN ahead to the bright future that awaits you. We believe in you. Sending you wishes to be healthy — both physically and mentally — and hoping you’ll try to find a few positive things every day to get you through this. Because you WILL get through this; your life and your future are TOO valuable not to.
May 1, 2020
From: Grace C.
In these times of uncertainty we as Canadians have the opportunity of a lifetime to come together and assess what truly matters. As you experience the situation in your own unique way I invite you to find someone you know and share your experience so you can learn from one another. Together as One.
May 1, 2020
From: Heathcliff L.
Dear students, This is a difficult and challenging time. You have the power to come through this and be a stronger and more resilient person. Be kind to one another, take care of one another. Reach out to those who are important to you, make a phone call, text a friend, organize a group chat. Take time to be kind to yourself, love yourself. Draw, write, dance, walk, skip rope, learn something new, practice something old., medidate, breathe. You have the power to survive and be your best YOU!! You are loved!!
May 1, 2020
From: Monique D.
Believe in yourselves, Live your dream! The only thing that stops you accomplishing your dream is you!
May 1, 2020
From: Stephen C.
Hi Everyone It is a bit more challenging and not quite as much fun learning from home under the lockdown, but now is the time to focus and move ahead of n your studies for when the world opens up again. Hang in there and keep up the good work! I just finished a bachelor of fine arts degree at OCADU after 10 years of part time study. Our graduate exhibition and convocation have been cancelled but they will happen eventually!
May 1, 2020
From: Jim R.
It’s not easy to work all by yourself – but if you can keep going in these difficult times things will get better. Don’t give up.
May 1, 2020
From: Anne Marie M.
Hi students of Canada! Just wanted to reach out during these crazy times. I know you are probably uncertain about a lot of things right now- I am too. It’s important to remember that you are not alone, and that support is there if you need it. The students I worked with at Pathways were a hard-working group who greeted challenges head-on. I know you have it in you to get through this, as well as any other adversity you face. Stay healthy and look after each other!
May 1, 2020
From: Lauren K.
Be proud of everything you have accomplished! It is OK to have confused feelings during these challenging times. Most important is to take care you and your family. You show strength and resilience in all you have accomplished so far. Draw, listen to music, write in a journal, dance and play! You are supported and loved! Be well and be safe!
May 1, 2020
From: Marni B.
Dear Pathways students: Don’t get discouraged; don’t give up. Some day you’ll look back on this time with feelings of pride for what you’ were able to accomplish in all kinds of difficult circumstances. If you do fall behind I’m sure you’ll be able to catch up. You’ve already come a long way, which means you have what it takes to keep on going.
May 1, 2020
From: Frances F.
I’m incredibly proud of your commitment and resilience for achieving your educational goals. My family and I are behind you 100%. I hope you also have a chance to support your loved ones around you during this difficult time.
May 1, 2020
From: Peter W.
While these times are uncertain, your ability to keep going is something to be proud of!
Apr 30, 2020
From: Ellen S.
What if we could change our perspectives to see this as an opportunity? An opportunity for growth without distractions? What if we decided not to let time pass by in boredom but rather, let it be consumed in learning new skills or bettering ourselves? You have the whole universe mapped out in the organ inside of your head; it can do remarkable things and overcome the toughest of situations. I hope you will use this time as an opportunity for greatness. I hope you will realize the greatness that is already contained within you. Good luck and be great!
Apr 30, 2020
From: Afif A.
We are living in extraordinary times. Some days will feel more challenging than others. That’s normal. Know that you will be able to get through this. As Dory says, “Just Keep Swimming” 🐟🎵Though we are living in extraordinary times, things will get better, and you will have an extraordinary future.
Apr 30, 2020
From: Jason S.
What we’re all going through right now isn’t normal, so it’s totally okay for you to not feel normal, too. Give yourself the time and space to feel whatever it is that you’re feeling—and know that you have so many people on your side, rooting for your success. You can do it! 🙂
Apr 29, 2020
From: Alex K.